The hardware and software solutions below represent the Technological Foundation components we use and work with on a regular basis. This is not an exhaustive list so please use the contact form at the bottom to inquire about your specific needs.

Software Solutions

These software solutions are a mix of open source products we use as part of the Stapel Platform and applications we have experience deploying and supporting.

Cloud Solutions

These cloud solutions are a mix of open source platforms we use in our Genesen Hardware and commercial public cloud solutions we have experience migrating from and managing as part of your overall cloud strategy.

Networking Solutions

These network infrastructure solutions are a mix of business and enterprise grade components that allow us to appropriately design any network for any scale.

Infrastructure Solutions

These hardware manufacturers repesent components used in the building of our Genesen Line of Compute and Storage Solutions, along with other Infrastructure components we use to ensure reliability and uptime. We have also partnered with high-end compute and storage vendors to offer super computing grade solutions.


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